Thursday, September 20, 2012

arbitrary discrimination, based on sexual orientation is unconstitutional, period. Don't YOU get caught up in the preacher's issues. Many of them have their own internalized homophobia going on, many have ignorance, and many are just repeating what somebody else said. Think for yourself. People have bled and died for our right to vote. Go vote. The Black ministers who are telling you not to vote will not miss a beat, they will not lose a meal, they will not miss one offering, nor will they do without anything that they want because they will be spending your hard earned money that will be that much more difficult to earn if we don't protect our interest and vote. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. Vote like you want to honor your ancestors for their sacrifices, because you should. Vote like your children's future is at stake because it is. If we sit back and let the Bible thumping hypocrites tell us not to vote and fail to exercise a hard won right, who wins? Not you and not me. Preachers are human beings with issues and agendas of their own. They are not God, they may mean well but when somebody tells you not to do that which is your right and responsibility, you have to question the source. What is your issue with the President having evolved, and is it so big an issue that it outweighs all of the problems and injustices offered by the Republican party? And ask yourself, do you agree with everything that the Republicans are saying or say they believe? Then surely, surely, you can find some common ground around the President's policies and not focus on his own personal belief about marriage equality. I am just saying......I never thought in my lifetime, I would hear somebody say, don't vote.....don't exercise your rights and don't do the right thing. Jesus help us.I was just reading an article about our Black ministers saying don't vote for our President because he personally believes in marriage equality and has "evolved" to that point. They are all losing their minds. He is not enacting legislation about it, and even if he was, it does not in anyway affect the ministers who are having a stroke about it. The President has evolved to see that inst

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