Saturday, October 15, 2016

Living in the New Millieum Jim Crow

This post below was written in 2014.  As I published the blog Revisiting Jim Crow, I saw it and it poignant reality is now worse..... It warrants reading.......

It has been a really long time since I wrote a blog.  There are so many reasons, but one of the main reasons is I have been observing, reeling while observing, but observing none the less the rising tide of overt racism and abuse toward our president.  I had no intention of speaking about it again, as I have talked about it here in the past.  I had hoped that with each passing day the rhetoric would decrease, but just the opposite has happened.  Each passing day, there is new and more vitriolic onslaught against our president.  And when I think about it, really think about it, it makes me sick, just makes me want to puke because none of it is warranted. From the moment our president was elected, the racial atmosphere, the "race" dynamics have been riveted by a tidal wave, no a tsunami of epic proportion.  And actually, let me be candid, it did not start when he got elected.  It started when he threw his hat into the ring. Let's for a moment, let me get it all out here on the table.  Because you see, I don't believe we can solve is dynamical problem unless we address it for what it really is, and what it really is, a problem with equal respect for African Americans or Black people.  And the problem is not isolated to people who are not African Americans or Black people, it is a problem that many African American or Black people have as well.  So, before you say oh she is doing a piece to bash Caucasians, you are dead wrong.  I don't need or intend to bash Caucasians or any other group.  I am reflecting on the disrespect hurled daily at Black people and make no mistake, it is not exclusive to Caucasians.  It is a universal, equal opportunity disdain and disrespect for Black people.

Revisiting Jim Crow.....................

I have been trying not to get into a diatribe about the election. God knows I am trying. But now, I have to get some of this out because if I don't I am likely to go off on somebody in one of the outlying counties when that loathing that was being masked is directly in my face. Ignorance is not bliss. Not for the ignorant nor for the person subjected to the ignorance.

I am deeply disturbed by how incredibly ignorant people are. Fifth graders have a greater understanding of the function of the different branches of government and the constitution. As I have followed the debate and political discourse over the last few months I am just amazed, AMAZED, at how little one of the candidates knows about the functions, powers and limitations of the different branches of government. And I am amazed beyond amazed....stupefied, yeah, stupefied that one candidate has no idea what the constitution says, what the preamble says, and what the amendments really say and or how the amendments have been interpreted. Tragically, that candidate has the ear of so many Americans.

And, it appears to be willful ignorance. And the ignorance is not limited to the branches of government, the constitution or the office being sought, it is willful ignorance about so many things that it makes my head spin. The preamble says "we the people, in order to form a more perfect union". It doesn't say perfect, but instead says more perfect. We are striving for a greater perfection of our union. It has not been perfect from the beginning. It has been besieged with problems, human failures and political problems. But we are striving for better, not worse. Not a return to the days of the 50s and 60s.

And for me, it appears that is where we are headed, backwards. The hateful rhetoric that is blasting on the airwaves, in the media, and everywhere is not reminiscent of a gentler time. It is the language of an explosive period in our history as a country where brutal mistakes were made in race relations. And no our President didn't ruin race relations in this country. The relations were never good, they were tolerable, but never good. And, all of the vitriol being spewed was there, under the surface, while the same folks who are now spewing it, were thinking it and perpetrating that we have overcome.

And then, to have a candidate using the same hate speech as a part of his campaign is horrific to me. He would be representing our country on the world stage!!!! Ignorance on full display everywhere he goes!!!! Seriously? My Mama, God rest her soul, always said it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Are we really ready to be the laughing stock of the entire world? All of the great work of our founding fathers, our forefathers, our great leaders of the last century - obliterated by a caricature of a man - mocking greatness and revealing himself to be a buffoon. I had to say something. I have had this billowing up inside of me for months!!!!

Hillary is a person who made decisions that were not popular and in many instances straight up bad. But she is a person, a person who made some imperfect decisions. I know that I have never been able to make all of the right decisions all of the time. And notwithstanding whether or not she made imperfect decisions, when I look at her entire record, I find that the good outweighs the bad. If you don't know, I do divorce work for a living and often times I have my clients list the good and the bad stuff about the spouse as an exercise. It is a good exercise for relationships period. If the good outweighs the bad on the list, then the relationship is one worth having and salvaging.

That is where I am with Hillary. The good outweighs the bad when I look at the total herstory. No, she is not perfect, but at the bare minimum she is not ignorant, she understand the function, power and limitations of the different branches of government. She understands the Constitution and she recognizes that we the people are working toward the ideal "form a more perfect union". Those good things alone, put her legions ahead of the other candidate and when you add the rest of her good stuff from her legacy, she is not the lesser of two evil, she is the greater good. And I never expected to revisit the dark days of Jim Crow in my lifetime.